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About Us

Welcome to Moshrif M3mary Architectural & Decoration Company

We are a group of engineers and architectural supervisors with more than sixteen years of experience in the Egyptian and Gulf markets in concrete works, finishes, interior and exterior design and decoration. The company’s headquarters is located at 43/11 South Lotus _ Fifth Settlement, praise be to God. The company has implemented many works for ministers, artists, and celebrities in the Arab world over the past fifteen years. Praise be to God. There is honesty and conscience, and we rarely find these two elements these days except from the mercy of my Lord. Praise be to God, we have implemented many residential units in Choueifat, Al-Shorouk, Lotus, Banafseg, October, North Coast, Mokattam, Kattameya, Beverly Hills, Casa,The First Settlement, The Fifth Settlement, Maadi, Sheikh Zayed and many other places that are not enough to mention.

Skilled Instructors

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